I am satisfied thus far.
Send customer a notification : email/text/phone before stating the work on the property.
Nothing that I can think of at all! Very good service!!!
Keep expanding services! Loved having my roof cleaned and treated along with gutters and windows.
Can't think of a thing to change.
Nothing ((:
It would be better to send out two people, then they can spot check each other, be more thorough and also finish in less time.
I don't know of anything at this point.
Nothing but keep up the good work!
Go onsite to provide an estimate when it's not a simple quote.
I can't think of any improvements needed.
I wish he would have told me he was done before packing up and telling me he was leaving . There were smudges / smears that I wanted him to get rid if but he was done . I could clean the smudges on the lower windows but not those on the second floor.